27 January 2017

The dates of FINOPOLIS-2017 are determined

The forum of innovative financial technologies FINOPOLIS-2017 will be held on October 5-6, 2017 in Kazan. Thus, the Republic of Tatarstan will host one of the largest FinTech-events of the country for the third time.

It is planned to discuss urgent issues in the field of financial technologies and innovations on the forum . Representatives of authorities and business, experts and analysts were invited to participate.

The innovation of 2017 will be the holding of the FinTech student day, and the main events of the forum will be held in the Korston(hotel and retail entertainment complex with business center).

Registration of participants will be opened in February.

More detailed information about the forum, its participants and the program will be available later on the site of the event - www.finopolis.ru.

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Contact information

Participation and partnership queries:
Location of the event:

Russian Federation, Krasnodar region, Sirius Federal Territory, Olympic Ave., 1.