5 October 2017

On October 4, within the framework of the Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies FINOPOLIS-2017, the Youth Day Fintech was held for the first time, the main goal of which was the popularization of financial technologies among young people.

As a result of the Fintech-battle, the winners are:

in the direction of "Programming":

– The team "Prityazhenie" of Vladimir State University;

– The team "Decentury" of Novosibirsk State University.

in the direction of "Analytics":

– The team "Chernichina" of Moscow State University;

– The team “Arctic Unicorns “of Southern Federal University.

Within the framework of the Youth Day, the final teams solved the tasks proposed by the specialists of the Bank of Russia and the FinTech Association in two areas: business analytics and programming, and then defended their projects in intellectual battles.

The Chairman of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina noted the importance of the inclusion of the Youth Day in the Forum program, because the role of young teams and start-ups is significant in financial technologies. Due to its non-standard view of the usual things, young people are destroying the established framework, introducing innovations in various spheres. Elvira Nabiullina emphasized "You are needed for the development of new technologies, and the development of new technologies is necessary for the financial market".

According to the opinion of the contestants, such events are important and need to be held, as this is not only a platform for the exchange of experience, but also an opportunity to look into the future for several years ahead.

During the day the top managers of Russian banks and representatives of successful fintech-startups addressed the participants. Of particular interest was the lecture of the famous futurist Brett King, who noted that in the future in the intellectual culture we are waiting for fierce competition, and for success and understanding our role in this future, we need to be flexible and adaptive.

The qualifying round of the contest was held this summer, during which more than 300 applications were received from different regions of Russia. 12 teams went on to the final, including the team of the educational center "Sirius", with the support of which the Youth Day is organized.

Partners of the Youth Day were banks - Tinkoff Bank, Center-Invest and CB Kuban Credit. Organizational partner is FinTech Lab.

Contact information

Participation and partnership queries:
Location of the event:

Russian Federation, Krasnodar region, Sirius Federal Territory, Olympic Ave., 1.